Our namesake and shoemaker by trade, Don Beto has lived in Masatepe his whole life and has made it is mission to share Christ all over Nicaragua. He has 8 children, 28 grand and great-grandchildren and leads between 3 to 5 missions trips a year, many of which are attended by several of his children and grandchildren. Don Beto is also a regular volunteer at our local rehab center, Luke's Inn.
He is a force for change and a force for Christ!
Taught by their parents who were taught by their parents, Danilo and Geovany are passing down generations of handmade and delicately designed pottery. They mine clay dirt from their own land, have it processed into workable clay and then design, spin, polish, paint, glaze and bake each and every piece BY HAND. Dedicated members of their local church, they believe in supporting not only themselves but also their community through both art and Christ.
They are true examples of commitment to both craft and faith!
As one of Don Beto's grandsons, Josias has grown up in Masatepe and in the church. He spends his free time serving with the young adult group, playing with the worship team or serving on missions experiences. Managing all marketing and social media, Josias plays a huge rol on the Beto's Coffee Company team and he always does it with a smile on his face!
He is a rock for Christ and true joy to serve alongside!
Originally a high school math teacher, Chelsea moved from the US to serve with One Collective Ecuador in 2017 where she remained until she and her husband moved to Nicaragua in 2021. Chelsea goes where God calls and hopes to honor him everyday in both her work and her family life, currently using her profesional skills to help with the financial management of Beto's Coffee Company.
She is a woman of hard work and determination.